Friday, February 13, 2009

Just Try It

Have you considered the love of Christ over the last two days? I have. And to be's refreshing. It makes me feel relieved and light. Wait. I've heard that somewhere before.

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden in light.

Matthew 11:28,29

Have we ever considered that our burden might be that we don't love ourselves? Have we ever thought that our heavy yoke is one of legalism, or hypocrisy, or shame? Do we really know what His yoke is? What is He putting on us? More rules? More jobs?


It's love.

I'm a natural thinker, not a natural feeler. I love my husband and kids and I laugh at the drop of a hat, but I'm not really the kind of person who feels her way through much. So, the concept of love has always made me think of sappy stories and puffy hearts.

But, this is not that kind of love. This is the kind of Love that empowers me. The kind of Love that makes me walk a little bit taller even if I'm dragging chains. This kind of Love allows me to say anything, admit everything, and abandon all reservation.

I want to ask you a question. Do you wrestle with loving yourself? If so, tell Him. If we cannot love ourselves enough to expose all things and be healed, then what are we doing? We offer the Savior to a dying world, but do not let that Savior raise us to life.

This is your assignment over the weekend: Take inventory (again) of all that makes you cringe, all that charges you up or that fuels your flesh, and then, talk to Him. It's such an amazing feeling to say to Him, "Lord, I have such a hunger for the applause of man. Help me hunger for your love so deeply that the lust of my heart would die!"

There is so much freedom and peace in knowing that Jesus loves that we come to Him broken. Yes, we will be changed, but we cannot be healed in places we do not expose.

Try it. Expose yourself to the love of Christ and tell me you don't feel loved.

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