Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Got Suggestions For What To Study?

Hey! Is there anything you might be particularly interested in studying? Any topics or certain Books of the Bible you'd like to take a look at?

I'd love to hear what you might like to know about. We can study so much together and teach one another so much about the Word of God.

Just leave me a comment and let me know if there something you'd like to know more about or would like to study!


Tammy said...

Prayer. I sometimes feel inadequate or maybe a better word would be undiscliplined or maybe it is about me putting God in a box...well I think you probably see what I mean.

thanks for the studies. I have been learning a great deal.

Anonymous said...

how about the oh-so-amazing submissive wife passages and our role as wives... it never is too soon to be reminded of how when I am embracing my role as a woman and wife, everything falls into place AND it allows my man to have full freedom in the place that God calls him to be and live as well...

Theresa said...

Hi There

I have always been interested in the book of Isaiah and how Jesus's life follows the prophets visions.

I would also be interested in scripture that would help me as a woman lead my husband into his role as spiritual leader of the house, so that I could embrace my role as a submissive wife.

Love Ya'

Anonymous said...

I just can't seem to "break away" from people that don't lead their lives as Christ did ~ I am to blame because I am tolerant...My hope is to learn how to better allow Christ to flow through my blood and be the better person..any lessons on tolerance?

Natalie Witcher said...

These are so great. Some of which will be intermingled with other lessons. I'll keep checking back to make sure that at some point some of this gets covered! if not all! :)